Blood Bowl Spike! Journal Issue 12
It includes:
- Highborn Heraldry: Exploring the background and history of Imperial Nobility teams, the various player positions, Star Players, and a team roster.
- Famous Imperial Nobility Teams: The Bögenhafen Barons are the most well-known, but you'll also find background on teams like the Ostermark Dukes, the Averland Earls, and more.
- Star Player Spotlight – Griff Oberwald: Perhaps the greatest Human Blitzer to grace the pitch and certainly one of the most recognisable, and least humble.
- The Empire’s Finest: Pro tips on coaching Imperial Nobility teams, developing your players, and getting the most from your team.
- Dirt From the Dugout: Mindy Piewhistle chases down some rather unsavoury rumours about one Lord Driego Koloroff.
- Smarter Than Your Average Orc: Dig into the origins of Black Orc teams, plus information about the three positions, Star Players, and a team roster.
- Famous Black Orc Teams: You've heard of the Thunder Valley Greenskins, but don't forget about the rest, including the likes of the Orcland Raiders and Grimfang Gougers.
- Star Player Spotlight – Varag Ghoul-Chewer: Thrill to the sordid tale of the Mean Green Machine’s rise to superstardom.
- Bash ‘Em and Smash ‘Em: Tips on taking your Black Orcs to the top. Lead your fresh green rookies to seasoned green old-timers, with helpful diagrams and example rosters.
- Chat with the Rat: Hackspit Quillchewer chats-talks with Gurgnie Shwarzenorc, who wants to share an exciting opportunity to help you achieve the muscle mass you long for.
- Coffin Corner: The ever-amusing column covering the most gruesome and entertaining Blood Bowl deaths, on and off the pitch.
- The Brut-iful Game: A comic strip featuring Varag, Griff, graft, and a good game gone gruesomely awry.