Want to see your thoughts and opinions featured on the Athena Games website and newsletter? Now's your chance!
We're looking to highlight great content created by Athena Games community members.
Here's the kinds of content we're looking for:
- Tournament reports,
- Strategy guides,
- Board game reviews,
- Thoughts on the latest releases,
- Painting guides,
- How to's,
- Game theories,
- and more.
Is there an underrated gem of a game that you love that you think more people should know about? Tell us about it!
Are you crushing it with your latest homebrew? Share the good news!
If it's tabletop game related, we want to check it out!
If you're a video content creator, that works too. Just put the link to your video in the content section down below.
Content Submission Rules
- Keep your submissions clean! We're a family friendly shop so no profanity, no hate, and keep the negativity to a minimum.
- We recommend about 100-500 words for decent depth and detail. 3-10 minutes if it's a video.
- Your post should be original. If you want an already published article to be republished to our blog, you’ll need to email us with a link to the original post and provide us with confirmation that the original author(s) of the blog post has signed off on their post being reposted to our site.
- Your post must be grammatically correct and well-written.
- Your post should be written in a friendly, conversational voice/tone that’s less formal and more approachable. Games are fun, your content should be too!
- Your post shouldn't include marketing-related links and must not be entirely self-promotional.
- Please note that we do not repost every article that is submitted to us. Either way, we'll let you know.
- If we publish your blog post, Athena Games has full rights to the content, including but not limited to edit, mix, duplicate, use, or re-use it in whole or in part as it so chooses. We may edit your post for clarity or ease of reading.
If you want your stuff to get published, here are some common sense guidelines to follow:
- Make it easy to read. Use short paragraphs, subheadings, and/or bullet lists to break up your article.
- Make it easy on us! Proofread your article before submitting it to us. Make sure to check your spelling and grammar.
- Attribute any quoted/paraphrased info with links to the sources.
That's pretty much it! We're looking forward to hearing from you.
-The Athena Games Team